BnB Rentals

  •     Have you ever thought about opening your own bed-and-breakfast do you know what is required to operate at bed-and-breakfasts rentals. It's the beginning of a new year and we wanted to start off this year by being a little more specific with our podcasts we're going to start off by talking specifically about bed and breakfasts so you're thinking I have a nice house live in the lovely location and I'm interested making a little extra money should I open a bed-and-breakfast
  •    Before you start you should ask yourself a few questions is my home really located in a suitable location what makes my home unique or captivating and is my family prepared to have strangers stay in our house to answer these objectively you have to look from the traveler or tourists perspective ask friends and family for their opinions well I have enough money will there be renovations required in your home to ensure the operation works well for you your family and your guests for your room is going to be themed design or with a certain furniture style you might need new or additional fringes do I have the time or the skills needed it's a good idea to talk with other bed-and-breakfast owners or experts in the hospitality ins to get a feel of what this undertaking might entail doing I like being with people
  •      It's important to know that you're going to be a good host so you have to enjoy converse and have very strong listings do I take pleasure in keeping it tasteful and clean home you know what it's like when you go to somebody else's home and you see dirt in the corners or clothes pile up it's not very appealing and a good way to lose return Plainville am I organized and what I mean by this are you able to maintain reservations design and keep schedules managed do accounting and bookkeeping understand and do the marketing and research the demand and competition do I have reasonable expectations.
  •      You'll have to know this is not a get-rich-quick operation and the hours can be long these are the first basic questions you should ask and answer before moving on now don't look at these questions as a deterrent but instead a way to set reasonable expectations into what can be a really fun and rewarding career okay that's our first look at bed and breakfasts over the next few weeks we're going to go into a little more detail of operating a bed premise if you have any interesting stories about operating a bed-and-breakfast let's continue to work together to put heads in your bids.


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